Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Labor Pains & Baby Quilts

I started making this quilt in February for our baby who was to be born in April.  Because we didn't know the gender, I made it as unisex as possible by using a sweet vintage Mary Poppins print as my theme (reds, yellows, blues).  Although I crammed, I wasn't able to finish it before the baby was born in April, and for a while after we returned home newbabyless, it sat folded in a pile haunting me. 
Since then we have had 7 additional leads on potential babies.  Not one of them has come into fruition, obviously, and we have been run emotionally threadbare.  It seems like each disappointment compounds with all of those previous, including each in vitro failure and the general hurt of infertility which requires the squishing of our house- full- o'-giant-loving-family dreams.

But something keeps giving us a little glimmer of hope:
Mia was a real-life miracle.
Everything about the way she made it to our family, the perfect arrangement of timing, the hard decisions that your average person does not have the courage to make, the random connections that were created by obscure and unexpected means, was truly miraculous.
If it happened once, surely it can happen again!..someday.

So I finally asked David to set up my quilt frame and I got down to business.
Today, I finished it.

Ta-dah!  We are all ready for you, baby!  Please hurry.
P.S. If anybody ever tells me again that "at least I am lucky to have avoided pregnancy and labor pains,"
I am not responsible for what follows. 


Katie C. said...

It's beautiful! What an accomplishment!!

emily and logan said...

i LOVE it, Ash! you did a great job. it looks like it's already a family heirloom.

pps- i will personally punch that person in the face for you. don't worry.

Maura said...

Amazing! Good job on the quilt and lots of virtual hugs on all the ups and downs.

Lou said...

love the quilt, and ill be praying that the beautiful treasure you have been waiting for comes your way.

Jackie said...

Love it! I can't wait to someday see pics on here of Baby #2.

Oh, and your PS? You have my permission to round-house kick them.

Halsey said...

I cried reading this post. Thanks for being honest. The quilt is beautiful and so are you.