Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Emerging Bookworm = Happy Mama

Mia spends at least a cumulative hour a day in this lovely recliner accompanied by a book from a nearby basket. The fact that this is Mia's entirely independent activity of choice is so pleasing to her book-loving mama. Because it's the only time she will sit still, nearly all of the pictures I have caught of her in the last month are while she is deep within the cardboard pages of The Very Hungry Caterpillar (or its equivalent). Here are a few from the collection-
Reading to the "buh-buh"... very sweet!
"Mom, can't you see that I'm busy?"
Here she is demonstrating our high style sensibilities- an inherited night gown and Mom's SmartWools:

1 comment:

emily and logan said...

good job, mia! River is currently into monster trucks and anything with wheels. what have i done?!?