Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mia's Top 10

Since we no longer track her age in months, and I don't have any particular milestones to blog about, 
Mia gets to be featured in 10 photos (limiting my countless photos is a tricky business) each month or so.

So here's August's:

putting all her post-church energy into the tree next to our parked car

despite my bruised ankles, this IKEA cart has been the most valuable investment we have ever made-
she cruises all over the place with it

at the park with Nemo (Mia's really cute biological brother)
believe it or not, she is about half his age

feeding the neighbor's enthusiastic sheep

giving dad a taste of his own medicine 

first trip to the dentist- 
it was not the most pleasant experience, but at least she got a perfect teeth report

mauling the ever-patient Izzy

showin' off her new (hand-me-down) red whip

the other ride she has finally mastered


Charlene said...

Love the pitcure of Nemo and Mia! Can't believe how she towers over him though. Too funny. I especially love the pic of Mia and David's prized Belt Buckle, she's looking at it as though she knows its special!

Parker and Alexis said...

She is a complete doll!!! Just adorable. I love the ribbons in her hair! What a sweetie!

Halsey said...

LOVE her face in the sheep picture. What a sassy cutie!